The Ah-ha design group out of St. Paul, MN, is a rudimentary control that uses DOS format for real time control through an ISA slotted control card. The mother boards that support an ISA slot are rare in new manufacturing, there are many industrial CPU's that support this architecture, such as ATM's, and there is still some limited support from used computer resellers. There is an ironworker manufactuer in Southern Minnesota who supplies a new motherboard that supports ISA slots, contact us for details. The AH-HA is very limited as a production CNC machine control, however its price has kept it as one of the most dependable controls with limitations. There are many PCI controls available that have never gotten close to the motion control and flexibility of the AH-HA control, we have known and used this control in many retrofits since 1994. The absolute best bargain on the AH-HA is the driver boards for the stepper motors. In our experience this has always been the most reliable driver for steppers. We can offer many manufacturer's stepper drivers at 1/5th to 1/3rd the price. You will buy a replacement in 1/10th to1/8th the time you will ask for service on a 6 or 12 amp AH-HA board.
Pay me now or pay me later, you get what you pay for.
We do not recommend the AH-HA for lathe applications for threading. Remember it is an open loop application.
For any questions on the AH-HA control, contact us at